Property Taxes


The Outlook neighborhood is serviced by 12 governmental entities. The funding of each entity’s operations and debt repayments is through the levying of property taxes on homeowners. For the past eight years, the mill levy rate charged by each governmental entity is as follows:

   Mill Levy Rate History
(Click on the district names below
to learn more!)
2017 2018  2019 2020  2021  2022 2023  2024
1.  School District 27J 49.317 49.164 49.092  48.810  48.745 49.866  56.290  56.290 
2a Laredo Metropolitan District - Bond Debt 41.000  41.000 41.000  34.298  33.794 30.684  30.819  25.619 
2b Laredo Metropolitan District- Operations 9.000  9.000 0.000  3.893  0.000 0.000  0.000  0.000 
3. Commerce City North Infrastructure District 27.000 27.000 27.000  20.000 20.000 20.000  14.000  8.000 
4. Adams County 27.055 26.929 26.864  26.917 26.897 27.069  26.967  26.835 
5. Greater Brighton Fire Protection District 11.795 11.795 11.795  11.795 11.795  11.795  15.320  16.744 
6. Rangeview Library District 3.659 3.669 3.666  3.677 3.670 3.689  3.615  3.653 
7. Commerce City 3.128 3.160 3.280  3.104 3.200 2.920  3.110  2.550 
8. South Adams County Water & Sanitation District 3.102 2.701 2.714  2.449 2.490 2.277  2.424  1.966 
9. Central Colorado Water Conservation District
2.004 1.800 1.540  1.286 1.156 1.404  1.068  .0891 
10. Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 0.559 0.500 0.726  0.900 0.900  0.900  0.900  0.900 
11. Urban Drainage South Platte 0.061 0.057 0.094 0.097 0.100 0.100  0.100  0.100 
12. Regional Transportation District (RTD) 0.000 0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 
Combined Mill Levy Rate 177.680 176.775 167.771  155.604   152.747 150.704  154.613  143.548 

Click on the tax district names above to learn more about each taxing district.