Neighborhood Services

The following is a brief description of the services provided in the Outlook neighborhood:

Covenant Enforcement Services The Association is responsible for enforcing the covenants within Outlook. The Association contracts with its management company to provide these services. The Association's board establishes enforcement policies and monitors the enforcement services provided by the management company.
Architectural Review Services The Association is responsible for providing architectural review services to homeowners in Outlook. The Association has assigned this responsibility to its board of directors. The board is responsible for evaluating whether each homeowner request complies with the community’s architectural design guidelines (a copy of which can be downloaded from the document library on this website).
Snow Plowing - Streets The streets around the single family homes are owned and maintained by Commerce City. Thus, the City is responsible for plowing the snow off of the streets around the single family homes. Per the City’s current snow plow plan for the Outlook neighborhood, the City only plows those streets on the Brighton 27J school bus route. No other streets in the Outlook neighborhood are included in the City’s snow plow route.

Snow Plowing - Sidewalks The Association is responsible for plowing the snow off of all sidewalks located on the parks and open spaces (which includes the sidewalk surrounding the perimeter of the park area). Typically, the Association contracts this service through its landscaper.

Homeowners are responsible for plowing snow around their own lots.
Garbage Collection Commerce City provides weekly garbage and bi-weekly recyclable pick-up service to all residents in the Outlook neighborhood. As of January 2020, the City has contracted with Republic Services to provide garbage pick-up services for City residents.

Garbage pickup occurs on Friday of each week. For those weeks when a holiday occurs, garbage pick-up will be pushed back to Tuesday.
Street Parking Enforcement The City (through its police department) establishes and enforces ordinances regarding parking on City-owned streets.

None of the streets within the neighborhood are owned by the Association or District or subject to the covenants applicable to Outlook homeowners.
Open Space Landscaping Maintenance The Association owns and maintains the landscaping of all common areas. The map of the open spaces within the neighborhood can be accessed HERE.
Park Equipment Maintenance The Association owns and is responsible for maintaining the park equipment at the Outlook playground.
Graffiti Removal Generally, property owners are responsible for removing graffiti off of their fences and other structures. However, Commerce City provides a free graffiti removal service to property owners who request such service.
Street Light Maintenance United Power is responsible for maintaining the street lights throughout the Outlook neighborhood. Any maintenance issues or concerns regarding the street lights should be directed to United Power.
School Busing The neighborhood is located within the Brighton 27J School District. Consequently, homeowners should contact the school district for further information regarding school bus schedules.
Mail Delivery Mail is delivered Monday through Saturday each week by the US Post Office. Mail for the Outlook neighborhood is processed through the US Post Office branch located at 7351 Magnolia St in Commerce City, CO 80022.

The Association is responsible for maintaining and repairing the mail boxes throughout the Outlook neighborhood.
Mosquito Control Commerce City is responsible for providing mosquito control services to the Outlook neighborhood. The City has outsourced this service to a third-party contractor—Vector Disease Control International. Concerns about mosquitoes and the need for neighborhood spraying should be called in to (303) 428-5908.
Utilities The following utilities service the Outlook neighborhood:

Water – South Adams County Water & Sanitation District
Electricity – United Power
Natural Gas – Xcel Energy